Friday, September 2, 2011

Lalaloopsy Peppy how to make her Pom Poms or for any doll

Lalaloopsy came out with a doll named Peppy Pom poms. She is wearing a cheerleading outfit but came without her pom poms. I am going to show you how easy it is to make your own pom poms.

Materials: 2 colors of yarn, piece of cardboard and scissors
Cut the cardboard in a 2" by 2" square.

Cut a length of yarn 7" long and lay it across the cardboard cross wise like in the picture.
Hold the 2 colors of yarn together and wrap them around the cardboard as shown in the photo below.
Continue to wrap the yarns around the cardboard as large as you think you want your pom pom to be. You may have to experiment and make a few to get one the way you want it. I wrapped mine as full as the picture below.
Then take the piece of yarn that is horizontal that you layed on the cardboard and pull in and tie it into a knot. Make sure you pull it in as tight as you can. This is what holds all those yarns together.
 After the knot is tied securely then take a pair of scissors and cut the other end. This makes the pom pom. Picture below of cutting the loops. Do not cut the cardboard. Just cut the yarn.
Take the tied end and shake the pom pom out. This fluffs it up.
Notice in the picture above that the pom pom is not even on the ends. You want those ends rounded. So hold the strands of yarn in one hand and trim them with the scissors. Cut small amounts off the ends to even it up.
 Your pom pom is now finished and ready for play. You can use this method for any size pom poms. Just start with a larger size cardboard or wrap it more times on the cardboard. If you would like me to make a pom pom for you then check out my duds for dolls website. Price is $3.50 for a set of 2 pom poms. Link to the Lala page is:

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